
20 Best CEOs of the Year 2024

Empowering Entrepreneurs and Redefining Success through Strategic Leadership: Chase Kreger of Maximize Value Consulting

Empowering Entrepreneurs and Redefining Success through Strategic Leadership: Chase Kreger of Maximize Value Consulting

“In business, as in life, the first step towards success is often the most crucial. Take that step, and watch the world align to support your journey.”

Maximize Value Consulting thrives within the dynamic landscape of the Staffing and Recruiting industry, where it serves as a beacon of excellence. With a dedicated team of professionals, the company has established itself as a leader in its field, generating substantial revenue ranging from $1 million to $5 million. Situated in Covington, Kentucky, Maximize Value Consulting operates from its headquarters, strategically positioned to cater to the diverse needs of clients across various sectors.

The Genesis of Maximize Value Consulting

Following the completion of his MBA in 2014, Chase Kreger envisioned establishing a company dedicated to empowering millions of professionals globally. Disheartened by the abundance of subpar corporate training content prevalent at the time—rife with inefficacies and inadequacies—he resolved to create a solution unencumbered by such limitations. In 2016, buoyed by the unwavering support of his spouse, he founded Maximize Value Consulting with a singular focus: to develop a training framework that sparks revelations, challenges conventional norms, fosters meaningful connections, and enhances organizational performance.

Since its inception, Maximize Value Consulting has been privileged to serve a diverse array of professionals spanning the globe, and yet, they view their journey as merely in its nascent stages.

Maximize Value's Purpose-driven Approach

Maximize Value Consulting has long been driven by a core vision: to empower leaders to excel in their roles and enable sales professionals to achieve greater success. Their metric for success is simple: enhancing the lives of individuals or reaching more individuals in need. Unlike many companies vying for attention through aggressive marketing tactics, Maximize Value Consulting opts for a more understated approach. They rely on recommendations from satisfied clients rather than flashy advertising campaigns. Their unwavering commitment lies in catering to the needs of their customers rather than the demands of investors. Why? Because they understand that their clients are the true heroes, service is a potent superpower, breakthrough moments are catalysts for growth, and ultimately, it is the people who constitute a company's greatest asset.

Redefining Learning and Development

Maximize Value Consulting stands out through its commitment to personalized content, top-tier facilitators, and cutting-edge digital resources for continuous learning. Clients and partners commend Maximize Value for several reasons:

Engaging Learning Experience: Maximize Value blends education with entertainment, making learning enjoyable and effective.

Unique Content: Their content is distinct and not readily available through search engines, ensuring exclusivity and relevance.

Data-Driven Approach: With a focus on data, Maximize Value eliminates guesswork and tailors solutions based on factual insights.

Affordable Solutions: Maximize Value prioritizes affordability, offering their services at rates lower than larger corporate consulting firms. Instead of costly advertising, they invest in delivering value directly to their clients.

Empowering Leaders: Chase Kreger’s Key to Success

At the core of Maximize Value's success lies a steadfast commitment to identifying where their expertise can make the greatest impact. Guided by this principle, Maximize Value remains dedicated to two fundamental objectives:

  1. Empowering leaders to enhance their leadership capabilities.

  2. Equipping sales professionals with the tools to achieve greater sales success.

Chase Kreger’ success is gauged by two distinct measures, 1) Impacting more individuals, 2) Providing greater assistance to each individual.

For Chase Kreger and Maximize Value, a successful day is defined by their ability to assist individuals in sales or leadership roles, whether by reaching a broader audience or by making a deeper impact on those they serve.

CEO’s Message for Budding Entrepreneurs

Chase’s first piece of advice is about fixing cars, and admittedly, he doesn’t know anything about fixing cars. But he believes that if your car runs out of gas and you just sit inside, nobody will know how to come and help you. If you get out of the car and start pushing it towards the gas station, others will get out of their car to come to help you. Business success is much the same way. If you start by helping yourself, others will come alongside you to support you. Take the first step and watch what happens.

Secondly, Chase wants to help all visionaries remember that your efforts will be better served if you stop trying to convince everyone of something. There are already plenty of people who see what you see. Go find them. Don’t get so focused on those who don’t want what you’re offering that you forget to reach those who do.

His last piece of advice is to figure out what makes you different or what makes you unique. Chase is convinced that you’ll never be able to compete with Bezos and Buffett in their fields; they have too many resources and too much leverage. But on the bright side, you will win at a high level when you identify what makes you better, what makes you an expert, and what makes you an original. Once you find those things, and then go exploit your expertise in the service of others.

Chase Kreger | CEO

Chase Kreger, the esteemed CEO of Maximize Value Consulting, is a renowned author and business leader. His impactful books, "Maximize Influence" available on Amazon, and "Wisdom on Wisdom" accessible via CHASEKREGER.COM, reflect his depth of knowledge and expertise in the realms of influence and wisdom.

With a string of accolades to his name, Mr. Kreger has been recognized as one of ‘The 10 Most Inspiring Business Leaders Making a Difference’ by CIO Views Magazine and ranked among ‘The Top 10 Admired Leaders of 2022’ by Industry Era Magazine. His consulting company has been celebrated as one of the ‘Top 10 Most Valuable Consulting Companies of 2023’ by Mirror Review.

Kreger's influence extends far and wide, with over 60,000 influencers served, 1,000+ workshops delivered, and more than 500 articles published. His dedication to education is evident in the creation of over 100 training modules, empowering countless individuals and organizations. With over a million yearly content interactions, he continues to make a profound impact in the business world.

“Our success lies not in the grandeur of our advertising, but in the depth of our commitment to our clients' needs.”