
20 Best CEOs of the Year 2024

David Contorno: Bringing Transparency and Positive Change to the World of Health Insurance

David Contorno: Bringing Transparency and Positive Change to the World of Health Insurance

David's journey into the realm of insurance commenced at an early age, with him embarking on the path of telemarketing life insurance by the age of 12. By 17, he was already engaged in selling traditional health plans to small employers in the bustling NYC area.

David Contorno, the founder and CEO of E Powered Benefits, stands as a pioneering figure within the insurance industry. He has been instrumental in challenging traditional insurance practices, advocating for positive change for employers, clinicians, and patients alike. Drawing from extensive experience in agency ownership and successful consulting ventures, David made a deliberate shift towards establishing a transparent, anti-BUCAH (Benefits, Underwriting, Claims, Administration, and Healthcare) brokerage.

At the core of his brokerage's mission is the commitment to crafting health plans that empower employers to manage costs effectively while prioritizing access to high-quality, affordable care for all beneficiaries. David's groundbreaking contributions to reshaping the landscape of the US healthcare system have garnered significant recognition. He has been honored with prestigious awards, including Forbes' Most Innovative Insurance Broker, Benefits Pro Broker of the Year, and Validation Institutes Advisor of the Year.

David's remarkable achievements have not only earned him accolades but also placed him in the spotlight, with his work featured in multiple New York Times Best-Seller books. As a highly sought-after speaker, he shares his expertise nationwide, educating audiences on the implementation of high-performance health plans for employers.

Navigating the Insurance Sector with Innovation and Integrity

David's journey into the realm of insurance commenced at an early age, with him embarking on the path of telemarketing life insurance by the age of 12. By 17, he was already engaged in selling traditional health plans to small employers in the bustling NYC area. With unwavering dedication and diligence, he cultivated an agency, expanding its reach to employ over 15 individuals and generate a substantial revenue of approximately $1.2 million.

In 2007, driven by an entrepreneurial spirit, David made a pivotal decision to relocate to North Carolina and establish a new agency. Over the ensuing years, his agency flourished, witnessing remarkable growth in revenue, which doubled by 2013 compared to his previous venture. However, amidst this success, a recurring challenge persisted — the reluctance of his clients to convene for their annual renewal meetings, often heralding unwelcome news.

These meetings frequently brought distressing updates, conveying to clients that their out-of-pocket expenses would escalate, benefits would diminish, and deductions from their paychecks would increase. It was a difficult message to impart, compounded by the realization that traditional brokers often sought to mitigate such issues by peddling additional insurance products like Aflac.

However, David harbored reservations regarding this approach. He questioned the prevailing notion within the insurance industry that more insurance equated to a solution for his clients' woes. Recognizing that his clients faced an insurance problem, he discerned that merely selling more insurance wasn't the panacea.

David's firsthand experience shed light on the dynamics of the industry and the potential conflicts of interest. He observed that while many brokers garnered commissions, their earnings soared as premiums escalated and more insurance policies were sold. This revelation fostered a unique perspective for David, driving him to challenge the status quo.

In his professional endeavors, David adopts a contrarian approach, challenging conventional norms. When broaching intricate subjects like healthcare and health insurance, persuading individuals to veer away from traditional health plans proves to be a daunting task. Initially, he focused on presenting his solutions, only to realize that without a comprehensive understanding of the underlying problem, these solutions lacked resonance.

During his interactions with employers, David accentuates the declining quality of the US healthcare system juxtaposed with escalating costs over time. He underscores the uphill battle faced in navigating such a system rigged against consumers.

Beyond his professional pursuits, David's demeanor contrasts with his approach in the workplace. Disinclined towards confrontation, he espouses a romantic and family-oriented lifestyle, relishing experiences such as travel, Broadway shows, concerts, and serene moments by the pool with his loved ones.

Championing Systemic Change in Healthcare

David's fervor for reforming a healthcare system he perceives as fundamentally flawed is a driving force behind his endeavors. Contrary to popular belief, he contends that the system isn't broken; rather, it functions precisely as intended, albeit not in the best interests of patients, employers, or physicians. Instead, it prioritizes profitability for other stakeholders.

Central to David's ethos is the belief that every individual deserves access to high-quality, affordable healthcare, regardless of their insurance status. However, he identifies two persistent deficiencies in the system: the lack of readily available cost and quality information.

David staunchly refutes the notion that publishing such information is unfeasible, drawing parallels to platforms like Amazon, which effortlessly provide pricing and quality details for diverse products. He challenges assertions from hospital and carrier executives that transparency would foster unfair competition and inflate prices, citing evidence that transparency typically yields the opposite effect.

Under the banner of E Powered Benefits, David and his team specialize in crafting innovative health plans while educating industry peers on how to replicate their success. These plans yield impressive outcomes, slashing costs by up to 35% in the first year alone, with sustained double-digit reductions in subsequent years.

A hallmark of their plans is that they empower employees with the freedom to select their preferred healthcare providers. Opting for recommended providers with direct contracts results in waived out-of-pocket expenses, with the plan covering 100% of the reduced cost. Conversely, choosing alternative providers entails reasonable out-of-pocket expenses.

E Powered Benefits extends this cost-saving approach to medications by sourcing drugs directly from manufacturers, circumventing intermediaries, and achieving cost reductions ranging from 70% to 100%. This alleviates financial burdens for families grappling with healthcare expenses, facilitating better disease management while preserving coverage.

Contrary to conventional wisdom, E Powered Benefits contends that many Americans could fare better without traditional premiums, advocating for direct payment for medical services. They assert that health insurance doesn't inherently enhance affordability and may, in fact, compel individuals and plans to pay exorbitant prices within the US healthcare system.

Fostering Collaborative Team Dynamics and Inspirational Leadership

At E Powered Benefits, teamwork stands as the cornerstone of their approach, both in plan administration and from the employer's standpoint. David consistently underscores the significance of collective effort in group health plans, emphasizing that any unnecessary payouts for one individual or their family reverberate across the entire coverage pool.

In advocating for inspiring leadership, David offers invaluable guidance to those embarking on leadership roles for the first time. He encourages aspiring leaders to exhibit courage and align their endeavors with their deepest convictions. According to him, true leadership entails a profound understanding of one's beliefs and how they can positively impact others. He emphasizes the importance of monetizing endeavors in a manner that prioritizes the well-being of those served. For David, the key to success lies in harmonizing passion, comprehension, and financial objectives to create mutually beneficial outcomes for both leaders and their teams.

David Contorno: Trailblazing the Insurance Industry

A prominent personality in the insurance sector, David Contorno is well-known for his opposition to conventional insurance providers and commitment to providing employers with affordable, transparent health coverage. David's work has changed the US healthcare system, earning him recognition with awards including BenefitsPro Broker of the Year and Forbes Most Innovative Insurance Broker. He shares his knowledge across the country as a highly sought-after speaker and instructor, bringing about revolutionary transformation in the sector.

“David Contorno is one of the insurance industry’s most notable and well-known leaders, being one of the first to speak out against traditional insurance carriers and the damaging effect they have on employers, clinicians, and patients.”