

A Stalwart Leader Redefining the Customer Experience Space with Dedication and Commitment: Ian Golding

“Organizations are regressing when it comes to both customer and employee experience. It's imperative for them to prioritize these aspects to remain competitive and resilient in today's rapidly changing landscape."

SMEBRMarch 6, 11:58
Ian Golding

In today's hyper-competitive business landscape, delivering exceptional customer experiences isn't just a nice-to-have—it's a necessity. Ian Golding is one such trailblazer in the world of Customer Experience (CX), whose expertise and passion have revolutionized how businesses interact with their customers. With over two decades of experience spanning various industries, Ian has emerged as a leading authority on CX strategy, measurement, and enhancement.

The Birth of a Visionary CX Leader

Ian's journey began in 2012 when he founded Customer Experience Consultancy, driven by a fervent desire to help organizations prioritize their customers. Since then, he has worked with companies in over 35 countries, guiding them on transformative CX journeys. From multinational corporations to local businesses, Ian's consultancy has left an indelible mark, transforming the way organizations approach customer interactions.

At Customer Experience Consultancy, Ian and his team specialize in "operationalizing" the customer experience—a term that encapsulates their mission to turn CX concepts into practical actions that yield real results. Their approach revolves around doing what's best for clients, their employees, and, most importantly, their customers. By bridging the gap between theory and practice, Ian ensures that his clients not only understand the importance of CX but also know how to implement strategies that drive tangible outcomes.

Celebrating Excellence in CX

Ian's commitment to CX extends beyond consultancy. As the first person globally to achieve the Certified Customer Experience Professional (CCXP) designation, he is deeply involved in CX education and certification. Through his training programs, Ian empowers aspiring CX professionals to attain this prestigious certification, equipping them with the knowledge and skills needed to drive meaningful change within their organizations. 

Ian's dedication to advancing the field of CX is further exemplified through his involvement in international Customer Experience Awards events. As Chairman and Host of these events, Ian celebrates and honors organizations that excel in delivering exceptional customer experiences. By recognizing excellence, Ian inspires others to elevate their CX initiatives, fostering a culture of continuous improvement across industries.

Sharing Insights and Knowledge

Beyond his consultancy work, Ian is a prolific speaker and writer, with over 300 published articles and keynote speeches delivered worldwide. Through his insightful content, he shares valuable insights and practical advice on how businesses can enhance their CX efforts. Whether it's exploring emerging trends or debunking common myths, Ian's expertise helps organizations stay ahead of the curve in an ever-evolving landscape.

Customer Experience Consultancy is not just a consultancy firm—it's a strategic partner in driving CX transformation. The company offers expertise in deploying CX programs, developing training solutions, and fostering employee engagement and advocacy. By empowering organizations to prioritize their customers and implement actionable strategies, Ian ensures that his clients achieve sustainable success in today's competitive marketplace.

A Journey of Charity and Endurance

Ian Golding, a man of many passions and pursuits, embarked on a remarkable journey of charitable support and physical endurance, pushing himself to new heights both figuratively and literally. His story is one of resilience, determination, and unwavering commitment to making a difference in the world.

It all began in November 2007 when Ian's friend, Simon Maskill, proposed the idea of participating in the Santa Dash—a 5km race in Liverpool where participants don Santa suits. Despite being a novice runner, Ian embraced the challenge wholeheartedly. The exhilaration of crossing the finish line ignited a newfound passion for running, propelling Ian to tackle more ambitious goals.

From that moment, Ian embarked on a journey of marathons and half marathons, pushing his limits and defying expectations. Despite the grueling training regimen and occasional setbacks from injuries, Ian persevered, shedding three stone and attaining peak physical fitness. His journey taught him invaluable lessons about resilience, self-discovery, and the power of perseverance.

But Ian's quest for adventure didn't end with running. In 2011, he joined forces with his colleagues at Shop Direct Group to undertake the National Three Peaks Challenge, a test of endurance that involved climbing the highest peaks in England, Scotland, and Wales within 24 hours. The challenge was not only a physical feat but also a fundraising initiative for military charities—Help for Heroes and Commando 999.

Despite facing treacherous weather conditions and grueling terrain, Ian and his team persevered, raising over £15,000 for their chosen charities. The experience was both humbling and transformative, underscoring the importance of camaraderie, preparation, and determination in overcoming obstacles.

A Soldier's Tribute

Ian's commitment to charitable endeavors extended beyond physical challenges. Inspired by his participation in the BBC program 'Turn Back Time,' Ian embarked on a fundraising mission for the ABF—the Soldiers' Charity, which provides support to soldiers since World War II. Despite facing daunting obstacles, including the harrowing Crib Goch ridge walk and relentless rain, Ian remained undeterred in his mission to make a difference.

Ian continues to pursue his passion for philanthropy and adventure, his legacy of impact and inspiration will endure for years to come, reminding us all of the extraordinary heights we can reach when we dare to dream and take action.

A Legacy of Impact

As Ian Golding's journey continues, his legacy of impact grows stronger with each passing day. Through his consultancy, education efforts, and advocacy work, Ian leaves an indelible mark on the world of CX, inspiring countless professionals to prioritize customer-centricity and strive for excellence. As businesses navigate the complexities of CX, Ian remains a guiding light, leading the way towards a future where every interaction is meaningful, memorable, and impactful.

Ian Golding's journey is a testament to the transformative power of prioritizing customer experience. Through his consultancy, education initiatives, and advocacy efforts, Ian has redefined how businesses approach customer interactions, inspiring a new generation of CX leaders to drive meaningful change. As organizations continue to navigate the ever-changing landscape of customer experience, Ian's expertise and passion serve as beacons of guidance, illuminating the path towards sustained success and customer satisfaction.

About | Ian Golding

Ian Golding is a seasoned professional dedicated to crafting exceptional customer experiences. With over two decades of experience in business improvement, Ian is not only a Certified Customer Experience Professional but also a Lean Six Sigma Master Black Belt. His relentless commitment to fostering customer-centric cultures has transformed numerous businesses, ensuring they thrive in today's competitive landscape.

"CX plays a crucial role during an economic crisis. It's during these times that organizations need to double down on understanding and meeting their customers' needs more than ever."