

Uniting Human Behavior and Communication to Supercharge CX Success: James Perryman

“Our training, coaching, and consultancy is delivered to YOUR needs, and is tried and tested from over 50 years, combined experience across many industries, businesses, and director/leadership positons.”

SMEBRMarch 6, 11:50
James Perryman

In the fast-paced world of customer experience (CX), only a few individuals possess the depth of knowledge and passion that James Perryman brings to the table. With a career spanning over two decades, James has honed his skills and knowledge across diverse sectors, ranging from telecommunications and travel to insurance, banking, and FMCG. His journey is a testament to his unwavering commitment to helping organizations thrive by prioritizing customer-centricity and fostering meaningful connections.

From his early days as a budding professional to his current role as the Founder and CEO of Momentus, James has consistently demonstrated a passion for driving positive change and empowering individuals and businesses to reach their full potential. Through his leadership, mentorship, and relentless pursuit of excellence, James has earned the respect and admiration of colleagues, clients, and industry peers alike.

James Perryman's remarkable journey uncovers a narrative of growth, resilience, and visionary leadership. From his humble beginnings to his pivotal role in shaping the future of CX, James's story serves as an inspiration to all who strive for greatness in the realm of customer experience.

A Journey of Growth and Expertise

James Perryman's journey in the CX sector began over 20 years ago, with a desire to make a meaningful impact on the way businesses engage with their customers. His career trajectory has been marked by a relentless pursuit of excellence, driven by a deep-rooted passion for bringing clarity, direction, and purpose to individuals, teams, and organizations.

Throughout his career, James has worked with organizations across diverse sectors, including telecommunications, travel, insurance, banking, and FMCG. This extensive experience has provided him with invaluable insights into the challenges and opportunities that businesses face in today's competitive landscape.

From running leadership and talent development programs to providing one-on-one coaching and business consultancy services, James has left an indelible mark on the organizations he has worked with. His holistic approach to CX emphasizes the importance of understanding human behavior, fostering effective communication, and driving sustainable growth.

Founding Momentus

In 2016, James Perryman embarked on a new chapter in his career by founding Momentus, a consultancy firm dedicated to helping businesses and individuals realize their full potential. At the heart of Momentus lies a commitment to transparency, value, and personalized support, ensuring that each client receives the attention and guidance they need to succeed.

Momentus operates on the belief that becoming our best selves starts with understanding ourselves. Through carefully crafted coaching and communication programs, James and his team empower clients to unlock their innate potential and achieve their goals.

Driving CX Transformation

James Perryman is a firm believer in the transformative power of CX. He understands that in today's digital age, businesses must prioritize customer experience to remain competitive and relevant. To that end, Momentus employs a two-pronged approach to driving CX transformation.

Firstly, Momentus utilizes its proprietary CX Maturity model to assess and elevate businesses' approach to customer experience. By challenging organizations to truly prioritize CX and create unwavering loyalty, Momentus helps clients navigate the complexities of today's consumer landscape.

Secondly, Momentus equips businesses with the tools and strategies they need to master virtual communication in the digital world. Through tailored training events and workshops, James and his team empower organizations to listen to customers effectively, adapt to changing needs, and deliver exceptional experiences consistently.

Like many industries, the CX landscape faced unprecedented challenges in 2020 due to the global pandemic. For James Perryman, the biggest lesson from this tumultuous year was the importance of agility and adaptability.

As businesses grappled with uncertainty and disruption, James guided his clients through the crisis, emphasizing the need for swift action and innovation. By prioritizing solutions for customers and employees alike, James and his clients emerged stronger, with a renewed focus on resilience and growth.

Looking Ahead: A Vision for the Future

As James Perryman looks to the future, his vision for Momentus is clear: to continue empowering businesses and individuals to thrive in an ever-evolving CX landscape. With a relentless commitment to excellence and a passion for driving positive change, James remains at the forefront of CX innovation, inspiring others to prioritize customer engagement, foster employee motivation, and deliver exceptional experiences.

As the Founder and CEO of Momentus, James continues to lead the charge in CX innovation, empowering individuals and organizations to realize their full potential. His visionary leadership and passion for driving positive change serve as a guiding light in an ever-evolving landscape, inspiring others to prioritize customer-centricity and embrace the transformative power of exceptional experiences.

James's dedication to driving positive change and his unwavering commitment to excellence serve as guiding principles in his work. Whether mentoring emerging leaders, refining organizational strategies, or championing innovative CX initiatives, he remains steadfast in his pursuit of empowering individuals and organizations to achieve their full potential.

As James Perryman continues to shape the future of CX, his journey stands as a testament to the transformative power of passion, purpose, and perseverance. Through his leadership and vision, he inspires others to embrace the endless possibilities of customer-centricity, paving the way for a brighter, more connected future in the realm of customer experience. With his relentless pursuit of excellence and unwavering commitment to helping others succeed, James remains a true visionary in the field of customer experience, paving the way for a brighter, more customer-centric future.

About | James Perryman

James Perryman, with over two decades of experience, offers a unique blend of coaching, training, and consultancy services aimed at enhancing connection, leadership skills, and fostering engaging work environments. His passion and expertise empower individuals to become exemplary leaders, driving collaboration, talents development, and effective communication with organizations. 

“Do not procrastinate. Take what you know, what you have, what you can offer, and very quickly turn into solutions for your customers and solutions for your people.”