

Debbie Sterling: The Unstoppable Force Revolutionizing STEM for Girls

Under Debbie’s leadership, GoldieBlox has grown beyond toys to include apps, entertainment, and educational resources that reach millions of girls around the world.

SMEBRJune 16, 9:13
Debbie Sterling, Founder & CEO, GoldieBlox

Debbie Sterling was one of the few women in her engineering classes at Stanford University. Recognizing the critical need for diverse perspectives in STEM, she founded GoldieBlox in 2012 to bridge the gender gap in this field. GoldieBlox creates products and entertainment that empower girls to see themselves as future STEM innovators and leaders capable of changing the world.

A dynamic public speaker, Debbie has been featured in TEDx Talks and named one of InStyle's 50 most Badass Women. She serves as a Lyda Hill IF/THEN Ambassador and has been recognized as a LinkedIn Top Voice, with her insightful writing featured in Fast Company. Honored by the National Retail Foundation as one of 25 "People Shaping Retail’s Future," she also earned a spot on Fortune Magazine’s prestigious “40 Under 40” list. Debbie's remarkable achievements include her induction as a Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship under the Obama administration and receiving the National Women’s History Museum's “Living Legacy” Award for her dedication to empowering girls worldwide.

Debbie's journey is a testament to her unwavering commitment to fostering inclusivity and innovation in STEM. Her work with GoldieBlox has not only inspired countless young girls but has also sparked a broader conversation about the importance of gender diversity in science and engineering. Through her leadership and vision, Debbie continues to challenge stereotypes and pave the way for future generations of female engineers and entrepreneurs. Her story is a powerful reminder that, with passion and determination, one person can indeed make a profound difference in the world.

The Birth of GoldieBlox: Debbie Sterling's Vision

As an engineering student at Stanford, Debbie Sterling found herself vastly outnumbered. The majority of her professors and classmates were male, and in class, the students often prototyped with construction toys. While her male peers had played with these toys since childhood, Debbie had not. This gap in experience sparked a lightbulb moment for her. She realized that to interest girls in engineering, they needed both hands-on play and role models who reflected themselves.

Determined to change the narrative, Debbie created construction toys designed specifically to encourage girls to explore STEM. She introduced the world’s first girl engineer and coder characters, Goldie Blox and Ruby Rails. However, her first prototype was met with rejection at the International Toy Fair in New York City. Industry insiders insisted that girls wanted princesses, but Debbie knew better. Trusting her instincts, she launched her idea on Kickstarter, and it quickly gained traction.

Thousands of supporters, including celebrities, tech CEOs, and political figures, backed her campaign. Major media outlets such as The Atlantic, The New York Times, and The Guardian began featuring GoldieBlox. The success of her Kickstarter campaign led to even greater achievements: winning a free Super Bowl commercial, having a float in the Macy’s Thanksgiving Day Parade, and being honored by President Obama with an Ambassadorship for Global Entrepreneurship.

Debbie Sterling’s journey with GoldieBlox proved that she wasn’t just starting a company—she was igniting a movement. Her vision and perseverance have inspired countless young girls to see themselves as future engineers and innovators.

Debbie Sterling: Trailblazer and Innovator

Debbie Sterling, the founder and CEO of GoldieBlox, leads an award-winning children’s multimedia company that disrupts the pink aisle in toy stores worldwide and challenges gender stereotypes with the introduction of the world’s first girl engineer character. As an engineer and entrepreneur, Debbie is a prominent figure in the movement to empower girls, helping them build confidence, pursue their dreams, and shape their futures.

Debbie's accolades reflect her impact and influence. She was named TIME’s "Person of the Moment," recognized by the National Retail Foundation as one of 25 "People Shaping Retail’s Future," and added to Fortune Magazine’s prestigious “40 Under 40” list. In 2015, she was inducted as a Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship and honored by the National Women’s History Museum with a “Living Legacy” Award for her work in empowering girls globally. Debbie earned her degree in Engineering from Stanford University in 2005, laying the foundation for her groundbreaking career.

Under Debbie’s leadership, GoldieBlox has grown beyond toys to include apps, entertainment, and educational resources that reach millions of girls around the world. Her innovative approach has sparked a broader conversation about the importance of gender diversity in STEM fields. Debbie's relentless dedication to her mission has made her a role model not only for young girls but also for aspiring female leaders in various industries. Her story is a powerful testament to the impact one individual can have in challenging societal norms and creating a more inclusive future.

Meet GoldieBlox: Debbie Sterling’s Vision in Action

At the age of six, many girls begin to lose interest in math and science, not due to any inherent lack of ability, but because of cultural influences. This is especially disheartening, as it occurs just when their curiosity and creativity are starting to flourish. Recognizing this, Debbie Sterling founded GoldieBlox with a mission to reach girls at a young age and introduce them, along with their parents, to the exciting world of Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math (STEM).

STEM can often appear daunting, so under Debbie's guidance, GoldieBlox strives to make it accessible and enjoyable. By creating engaging content, the company aims to build self-confidence, inspire the next generation of innovators, and break long-standing stereotypes. GoldieBlox produces shows that inspire, toys that educate, and creative campaigns that celebrate diverse and empowering female STEM role models—figures who remain rare in the media even today. Importantly, Debbie's vision includes boys as well, fostering an environment where both genders can grow up appreciating and contributing to a level playing field in STEM.

The core message of GoldieBlox is simple yet powerful: STEM is cool. It allows for invention, design, and the realization of dreams. In a world where future job markets will demand skills that are yet to be defined, STEM education is crucial. Debbie’s work ensures that today’s children are equipped with the skills they need to thrive in tomorrow’s world.

Over the past decade, GoldieBlox has reached millions of girls worldwide, significantly impacting the landscape of children's toys and media. Under Debbie Sterling’s visionary leadership, the company is just beginning its journey to revolutionize STEM education and empowerment for future generations.

Inspiring Future Generations

Debbie Sterling's innovative work with GoldieBlox is a prime example of the enormous influence one person can have on changing social standards and empowering the next generation. Millions of girls have been encouraged to see themselves as innovators and leaders by Debbie, who addressed the gender gap in STEM from an early age. In addition to revolutionizing children's toys and media, her unwavering commitment to making STEM accessible, engaging, and inclusive has generated a larger discussion about gender diversity in these sectors. Debbie Sterling's legacy will surely encourage numerous young minds to dream big and follow their passions courageously as GoldieBlox grows and evolves under her imaginative leadership.

Debbie Sterling, Founder & CEO, GoldieBlox

Debbie Sterling is a trailblazing engineer and the founder and CEO of GoldieBlox, an award-winning children's multimedia company dedicated to disrupting gender stereotypes in STEM. A Stanford University engineering graduate, Debbie recognized the need for hands-on play and relatable role models to inspire girls in science and technology. Her innovative creation of the world’s first girl engineer and coder characters has empowered millions of young girls worldwide. Honored by TIME, Fortune Magazine, and the National Retail Foundation, and serving as a Presidential Ambassador for Global Entrepreneurship, Debbie’s relentless dedication to fostering inclusivity and innovation has cemented her as a leading figure in the movement to empower the next generation of female engineers and entrepreneurs.

 Debbie Sterling's innovative work with GoldieBlox is a prime example of the enormous influence one person can have on changing social standards and empowering the next generation.