
20 Inspiring Leaders to Watch 2024

My goal is to position our company as a leader in smart grid technology, providing sustainable and efficient energy solutions that can be implemented globally: Luc Eric KRIEF of New World Wind

My goal is to position our company as a leader in smart grid technology, providing sustainable and efficient energy solutions that can be implemented globally: Luc Eric KRIEF of New World Wind

By aiming to be a global leader in smart grids and setting a positive example for my children, I am committed to making a lasting impact both in my industry and within my family. This dual focus drives me to continually strive for excellence and innovation in everything I do.

Luc Eric KRIEF leads New World Wind with a balanced approach, combining technical expertise with strategic thinking. Over his extensive career of more than four decades, he has spent a decade in construction, 15 years in logistics, and another 15 years in industrial supply. In addition to his professional achievements, he has served as president of professional unions and served as a mayor in a French city, highlighting his leadership capabilities.

Mr. KRIEF’s leadership philosophy at New World Wind is characterized by global thinking and simplicity in manufacturing. At first, the complexity of the technology presented considerable challenges. However, Luc's confidence in his team's abilities nurtured an atmosphere of open brainstorming and free-thinking. His core principles of trust and encouragement of innovative ideas played a crucial role in overcoming these initial obstacles. Under his stewardship, New World Wind continues to innovate, driven by a culture of trust and creative liberty.

An engineer in aeronautics, Mr. KRIEF is an alumnus of ESSEC and IEP Paris, holding diplomas in management and finance.

SME Business Review had the privilege of interviewing Mr. KRIEF, and here’s his response.

Interview Highlights

Congratulations on being recognized as one of the ‘20 Inspiring Leaders to Watch 2024’! How does it feel to receive such an honor?

Receiving this award is a very good news for us. It recognizes all the hard work and dedication we have put in since 2017 to achieve exceptional levels of quality, sustainability, and performance. This acknowledgment also validates our continuous efforts and commitment to excellence in every aspect of our work.

How does your emphasis on environmentally friendly solutions and proximity to end-users influence your perception of New World Wind's role in shaping the future of energy provision?

We embarked on an ambitious journey to develop a revolutionary model of ‘smart grids’ designed for seamless integration into urban environments. Our focus was on creating a system that not only fits aesthetically with city landscapes through a biomorphic design but also operates silently, ensuring minimal disruption to the natural surroundings and being friendly to birds. This led to the creation of our innovative vertical axis windmill. Our windmill is highly scalable and customizable, allowing it to be adapted to a variety of locations, such as roofs, terraces, balconies, and even specially-designed tree structures. The goal was to bring energy generation as close to the end-users as possible, eliminating the need for extensive civil engineering projects and making it affordable for a wide range of consumers.

We believe this approach has the potential to revolutionize urban energy solutions by providing a sustainable, efficient, and user-friendly option for generating renewable energy within cities.

In what specific ways do you think New World Wind's commitment to innovation and environmental sustainability can impact the broader energy industry's transition towards 'smart grids' and renewable energy sources?

Our commitment to sustainability drove us to develop the most effective and appealing solution for urban energy generation. We aimed to create something that could be easily installed in various locations and embraced by the community. Our innovative aeroleafs, which are designed to resemble real trees with leaves, are a perfect example of this vision. These installations blend seamlessly into the urban landscape, making them visually appealing and fully acceptable to the public.

When people see our aeroleafs, they are immediately captivated by their aesthetic integration into the environment. This positive reception is crucial as it ensures that our solution is not only functional but also welcomed by citizens. By focusing on creating a design that people love, we have significantly minimized the risk of rejection. We believe our approach offers the best possible solution, combining sustainability, ease of installation, and community acceptance, thereby contributing to a more sustainable and harmonious urban future.

Could you elaborate on how your leadership style and experience in diverse sectors have influenced the strategic direction and growth of New World Wind?

I approach projects with a global, international perspective, always aiming for solutions that are simple to manufacture. Initially, the complexity of the technology was our biggest challenge. Addressing this complexity was crucial, and it was a primary focus for us. I had a strong belief that we could overcome this hurdle, and I empowered my team to think creatively about how to do so. Brainstorming sessions and the freedom to explore innovative ideas are hallmarks of my leadership style.

The second key element of my approach is trust. I firmly believe in trusting my team and giving them the autonomy to imagine and design the next steps. This trust not only fosters a collaborative and open environment but also encourages team members to take ownership of their ideas and initiatives. By allowing the liberty of thought and valuing each team member’s input, we were able to break down complex problems and develop practical, manufacturable solutions.

This philosophy has proven effective in our work on projects like the aeroleafs. By combining global thinking with simple manufacturing and leveraging the collective creativity of a trusted team, we have managed to create innovative, sustainable solutions that resonate well with both urban environments and the people who live in them.

How does New World Wind's global presence contribute to its mission of providing clean energy access to individuals and communities worldwide?

In our efforts to reduce costs and enhance efficiency, we focus on sourcing suppliers and manufacturers that are closest to our target markets. This localized approach allows us to minimize logistics expenses and foster strong partnerships with local companies. We have successfully signed partnership contracts with local businesses in more than 40 countries. These partnerships are pivotal as they allow us to leverage the local expertise of our partners, who have a deeper understanding of their markets than we could achieve on our own.

By collaborating closely with these local companies, we can adapt our solutions to meet specific market demands and preferences. This ensures that our products are not only high-quality but also culturally and practically acceptable in the countries where they are sold. The input and insights from our local partners are invaluable in tailoring our offerings to align with local market requests, regulations, and consumer expectations. Ultimately, the best products are those that resonate well with the local audience. Our strategy of forming strong local partnerships enables us to achieve this goal, ensuring that our solutions are well-received and effective in each market. This approach not only reduces costs but also enhances the relevance and acceptance of our products globally.

What are your ambitions and goals for the future, both in your personal life and your professional endeavors?

Professionally, my ambition is to establish a global presence and offer the best solutions in the field of smart grids. I am dedicated to advancing our technology and ensuring that our innovative solutions are accessible and effective worldwide. This involves not only creating cutting-edge products but also fostering strong relationships with local partners and understanding the unique needs of each market. By collaborating with local suppliers and manufacturers in over 40 countries, we can adapt our solutions to meet specific regional demands, making our products more relevant and effective. My goal is to position our company as a leader in smart grid technology, providing sustainable and efficient energy solutions that can be implemented globally.

On a personal level, I am deeply committed to leaving a positive legacy for my children. I want them to look back and feel inspired by my work and the values I embody. It's important to me that they see the importance of innovation, sustainability, and hard work. I strive to instill in them a sense of responsibility and a passion for making a difference in the world. By witnessing my dedication to creating sustainable solutions and fostering global collaborations, I hope they will be motivated to pursue their own paths with similar values.

Balancing these professional and personal aspirations requires a great deal of effort and dedication. However, I believe that the impact we make through our work can extend beyond professional achievements and touch the lives of those we care about. By aiming to be a global leader in smart grids and setting a positive example for my children, I am committed to making a lasting impact both in my industry and within my family. This dual focus drives me to continually strive for excellence and innovation in everything I do.

Luc Eric KRIEF, Owner, Chairman & CEO, New World Wind

I am dedicated to advancing our technology and ensuring that our innovative solutions are accessible and effective worldwide. This involves not only creating cutting-edge products but also fostering strong relationships with local partners and understanding the unique needs of each market.

On a personal level, I am deeply committed to leaving a positive legacy for my children. I want them to look back and feel inspired by my work and the values I embody. It's important to me that they see the importance of innovation, sustainability, and hard work.