
20 Inspiring Leaders to Watch 2024

CEO Dean Sysman is Leading the Cybersecurity Revolution at Axonius with Passion, Perseverance, and Purpose

CEO Dean Sysman is Leading the Cybersecurity Revolution at Axonius with Passion, Perseverance, and Purpose

Under Dean’s leadership, Axonius has become a world leader in enabling organizations to see and secure their infrastructure, and it has grown to a $2.6 billion valuation in less than five years since its founding.

Dean Sysman’s journey to becoming a cybersecurity trailblazer is marked by early achievements and a relentless drive for innovation. Born with an innate curiosity and passion for technology, Dean's path was set from a young age. At just 19, he graduated from the prestigious "Etgar" program with a B.Sc in computer science, an impressive feat that marked the beginning of his distinguished career. His talent was evident early on; in 2005, he was part of the gold medal-winning team at the international Robotic Olympics in South Korea. This victory not only showcased his exceptional skills but also foreshadowed his future successes in the tech world.

Dean’s early achievements laid a solid foundation for his later ventures. However, his journey was far from ordinary. It was filled with a series of bold moves and innovative ideas that would eventually lead him to co-found Axonius, a company that has revolutionized the cybersecurity landscape.

Shaping a Future in Military Intelligence

Dean's journey took a significant turn when he joined the Israeli Intelligence Corps, an elite unit where his skills were further honed. Over the next five years, he served with distinction, rising to the rank of Captain. Leading teams on critical cybersecurity projects, Dean’s strategic thinking and leadership capabilities came to the forefront. His service earned him several commendations and awards, reflecting his dedication and exceptional performance. This period was crucial in shaping his understanding of cybersecurity, providing a solid foundation for his future ventures.

Ignition of Entrepreneurial Spark

After completing his military service, Dean transitioned into the entrepreneurial world. He co-founded Cymmetria, a YC-backed cyber deception company. Cymmetria’s innovative approach aimed to disrupt traditional cybersecurity methods by introducing strategies to mislead attackers, effectively changing the asymmetry of cybersecurity. The company quickly gained traction, securing high-profile clients, including Fortune 500 companies. Cymmetria's success culminated in its acquisition by private equity, further solidifying Dean’s reputation as a visionary in the cybersecurity field.

Revolutionizing Cybersecurity Management with Axonius

In 2017, Dean co-founded Axonius, a cybersecurity asset management platform designed to address a fundamental issue in the tech industry, managing the ever-expanding sprawl of devices, users, software, SaaS applications, and cloud services. Axonius offers a comprehensive system of record for all assets, providing IT and security teams with the confidence to control complexity and maintain a clear view of their environment. Under Dean’s leadership, Axonius grew rapidly, achieving a $2.6 billion valuation in less than five years. The platform has become a global leader in enabling organizations to see and secure their infrastructure, addressing one of the most critical challenges in IT and security today.

One of the core values of Axonius is giving customers the confidence to control complexity. In today’s fast-paced tech landscape, managing a diverse array of digital assets can be overwhelming. Axonius simplifies this process, enabling organizations to focus on their core operations without compromising security. By providing a comprehensive understanding of all assets at all times, Axonius ensures that IT and security teams can respond swiftly to threats and vulnerabilities, maintaining a robust security posture.

Vision for a Secure Future

Dean’s commitment to cybersecurity extends beyond his professional accomplishments. Through Axonius, he aims to provide organizations with the tools they need to protect their infrastructure and data effectively. His vision for the future includes not only enhancing security measures but also fostering a community of innovation and collaboration. Dean believes that addressing evolving cybersecurity challenges requires a collective effort, and he is dedicated to leading this charge.

Looking ahead, Dean plans to continue driving innovation at Axonius. The company aims to expand its capabilities and reach, providing even more comprehensive solutions for IT and security teams. With Dean at the helm, Axonius is poised to tackle the next generation of cybersecurity challenges. His vision for the future includes not only improving existing technologies but also exploring new avenues for enhancing cybersecurity practices.

A Life Beyond Cybersecurity

Despite his demanding career, Dean maintains a balanced life with various personal interests. He enjoys playing soccer, engaging in poker, and exploring existential philosophy. These hobbies provide a creative outlet and a means of relaxation, contributing to his well-rounded perspective as a leader. Dean’s ability to balance his professional and personal life is a testament to his time management skills and his commitment to maintaining a healthy work-life balance.

Inspiring the Next Generation

Dean’s expertise and insights have made him a sought-after speaker at major cybersecurity conferences, including Blackhat, Defcon, and CCC. His ability to communicate complex cybersecurity concepts in an accessible and engaging manner has earned him a reputation as a thought leader in the industry. These speaking engagements not only highlight his deep understanding of cybersecurity but also his commitment to sharing knowledge and fostering a collaborative approach to tackling cyber threats.

Dean’s story is an inspiration for aspiring entrepreneurs and cybersecurity professionals. His journey highlights the impact of vision, dedication, and innovative thinking. As a leader, Dean is committed to mentoring the next generation, sharing his knowledge and experiences to foster growth and innovation in the tech industry. He believes in the importance of nurturing talent and providing opportunities for young professionals to learn and thrive.

Dean Sysman’s contributions to cybersecurity are profound and far-reaching. From his early successes to his current role as CEO of Axonius, he has consistently pushed the boundaries of what is possible. His vision and leadership continue to shape the future of cybersecurity, ensuring that organizations worldwide can protect their assets and thrive in an increasingly digital world. Dean’s journey is a testament to the power of innovation, dedication, and a relentless pursuit of excellence. As he continues to lead and inspire, the impact of his work will undoubtedly resonate for years to come.

Dean Sysman, Co-Founder & CEO, Axonius

When Dean Sysman discovered that companies had no way of tracking the devices on its network, he knew it was a big problem that needed to be solved. Dean founded Axonius to make comprehensive and efficient cybersecurity asset management a reality for businesses around the world.