
20 Inspiring Leaders to Watch 2024

CEO John Tabis is Orchestrating Innovation, Crafting Experience, and Sowing Seeds of Change in the Floral Industry

CEO John Tabis is Orchestrating Innovation, Crafting Experience, and Sowing Seeds of Change in the Floral Industry

As The Bouqs Company blossoms into a global brand, Tabis' leadership continues to redefine the boundaries of possibility, one bouquet at a time.

In the bustling corridors of Disney, John Tabis found himself immersed in the world of corporate branding and development. Yet, amidst the glitz and glamour of his directorial role, Tabis yearned for something more. He craved the thrill of entrepreneurship, the opportunity to chart his own course in uncharted waters.

Joined by his close friend Juan Pablo Montufar-Arroyo, Tabis set his sights on an industry ripe for disruption: floral retail. Their vision was bold, their resources modest. With just $13,000 in seed funding and an abundance of determination, they laid the foundation for what would soon become The Bouqs Company.

The decision to depart from the security of corporate life was not an easy one for Tabis. It meant stepping out of his comfort zone, venturing into the unknown, and embracing the uncertainties that accompany entrepreneurship. Yet, fueled by a shared passion for innovation and a desire to challenge the status quo, Tabis and Montufar-Arroyo embarked on their entrepreneurial odyssey.

Their journey was characterized by perseverance, resilience, and unwavering determination. In the face of financial constraints and logistical challenges, Tabis remained steadfast in his commitment to realizing their shared vision. Together, they leveraged their complementary skills and unwavering optimism to overcome obstacles and propel their venture forward.

For Tabis, the decision to leave behind the familiarity of corporate life was driven by a deeper desire for autonomy and creative freedom. He yearned to build something from the ground up, to make a tangible impact on an industry ripe for reinvention. Little did he know, their humble beginnings would lay the groundwork for a floral revolution that would reshape the industry landscape.

Embracing Disruption

In the vast world of online shopping, The Bouqs stands apart. John Tabis, the mastermind behind it, compares its impact to big names like Airbnb and Uber. He's all about shaking things up, not just putting the same old stuff on the internet.

John didn't just want to copy what others were doing. He wanted to make buying flowers online feel fresh and exciting. That's why The Bouqs isn't just about selling flowers—it's about giving people an experience they'll remember.

At the core of The Bouqs' success is John's belief in doing things differently. He's all about making it easy for people to order flowers and get them delivered with a smile. It's like he's saying, "Hey, buying flowers should be fun, not a hassle!"

For John, it's not just about making money—it's about making people happy. That's why he's always looking for ways to make The Bouqs better, whether it's through a user-friendly website or a speedy delivery service.

When you buy flowers from The Bouqs, you're not just getting a bouquet—you're getting a piece of John's vision for a better way to shop online. And that's something truly special.

Harnessing Technology for Growth

Technology isn't just something fancy for The Bouqs—it's the secret sauce that makes everything run smoothly. John Tabis and his crew don't just use technology; they make it work for them.

They're not reinventing the wheel here. Instead, they're taking tools that already exist, like email and Skype, and making them even better. But they didn't stop there. They also created their own special technology to make things even easier.

So, what does all this tech stuff mean for you, the customer? Well, it means that when you order flowers from The Bouqs, everything happens like magic behind the scenes. Messages get sent, orders get processed, and bouquets get delivered—all thanks to some smart technology.

But it's not just about making things run smoothly. It's also about making things better for you. By using technology in clever ways, The Bouqs team is able to give you a top-notch shopping experience. It's like having your own personal flower concierge, right at your fingertips.

And because they're always looking for ways to improve, The Bouqs team is constantly tinkering with their technology. They're like a bunch of mad scientists, but instead of creating monsters, they're creating better ways for you to buy flowers online.

So, the next time you order flowers from The Bouqs, take a moment to appreciate all the technology that goes into making it happen. It's not just flowers; it's a whole lot of tech magic too.

The Power of Design

Beyond all the fancy gadgets and gizmos, John Tabis knows that good design is what really makes a difference. Thanks to his time at Disney, he understands the importance of making things look good and work well.

So, when it comes to The Bouqs, Tabis doesn't clutter around. He's all about creating websites and apps that are easy on the eyes and even easier to use. No confusing menus or clunky buttons here—just sleek, user-friendly designs that make shopping for flowers a breeze.

And let's be honest, in a world full of unpleasant websites, The Bouqs stands out like a rose in a field of daisies. Tabis' commitment to design excellence means that every aspect of the shopping experience, from browsing bouquets to checking out, is smooth and seamless.

But it's not just about making things look pretty. Tabis knows that good design is also good for business. A well-designed website or app not only attracts customers but keeps them coming back for more. And that's exactly what The Bouqs' sleek design does—it keeps customers coming back again and again.

Championing a Floral Revolution

As The Bouqs keeps growing, John Tabis stays true to his dream of changing how flowers get to people. His story is like a reminder that even when things get tough, you can still make big things happen if you believe in what you're doing.

With his smart thinking and never-give-up attitude, Tabis didn't just shake up the flower business—he showed everyone what's possible when you stick to your vision. He's like the captain of a ship, leading his crew through stormy seas and smooth sailing alike.

John Tabis, Founder & CEO, The Bouqs Company 

Tabis never forgets why he started this journey in the first place: to make a real difference. He's not just in it for the money or the fame—he's in it to make people smile, one bouquet at a time. And that's what makes him not just a CEO, but a true leader.