
20 Inspiring Leaders to Watch 2024

Director Luis Navarro's Visionary Leadership and Commitment to Excellence Propel totality services to the Forefront of IT Innovation, Delivering Tailored Solutions to SMBs Across the UK

Director Luis Navarro's Visionary Leadership and Commitment to Excellence Propel totality services to the Forefront of IT Innovation, Delivering Tailored Solutions to SMBs Across the UK

With hard work, creativity, and a focus on making clients happy, Luis Navarro and totality services is ready to keep helping businesses with their IT needs for a long time.

Luis Navarro's journey in IT services reflects his dedication and innovative spirit. With over a decade of experience working with well-known brands like TalkTalk, Centrica, and Sodexho, Luis noticed a gap in the market for personalized IT solutions for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs). This led him to co-found totality services in 2008 with Pedro, aiming to provide tailored IT services across the UK.

As the co-founder and director, Luis is not just a leader but also a visionary committed to the company's success. He brings a hands-on approach and personalized touch to totality services, distinguishing it in a competitive market and earning clients' trust nationwide.

Beyond his professional endeavors, Luis's passion for technology drives him to empower businesses through innovative IT solutions. He recognizes the unique needs of each client and strives to meet them with cutting-edge technology.

Today, as totality services grows, Luis remains at the forefront, driving innovation and inspiring others in the industry. His journey serves as an inspiration, showcasing the impact of passion, perseverance, and a commitment to excellence in the world of IT services.

Embracing Change

After years of working with industry giants, Luis co-founded totality services in 2008 alongside Pedro. Their vision was clear: to provide SMBs with a more personal and customer-centric approach to IT services. Despite the company's expansion over the years, Luis remains dedicated to maintaining a personal touch in client interactions, ensuring that each client receives tailored solutions that meet their unique needs.

Living by the coast with his family, Luis has fully embraced the hybrid-remote working lifestyle, a reality for many businesses today. He played a pivotal role in developing remote onboarding packages, catering to businesses with remote employees across the country. His commitment to adapting to changing work environments reflects his forward-thinking approach to business.

Navigating Challenges and Adapting to Client Demand

In the face of tough times during the pandemic, Luis Navarro, Co-Founder and Director of totality services, showed how important it is to stay strong and flexible. When everything seemed uncertain, Luis and his team stayed firm and ready to deal with any problems that came their way.

Business went up a lot because everyone needed good IT support and security. People saw how crucial it was to have reliable tech, especially for remote work. totality services was there to help, making sure every client got the support they needed, no matter what.

But there was a big problem. Laptops were really hard to get because everyone wanted them. Manufacturers couldn't keep up with the demand, so there weren't enough laptops to go around. Luis and his team had to quickly change how they got laptops for their clients.

For Luis, it was personal. Each laptop they got was more than just a computer; it was a lifeline for someone trying to work from home. So, Luis and his team worked hard to get laptops for everyone who needed them. It wasn't easy, but they made sure no client was left without the tools they needed to work.

Even when things got tough, Luis kept everyone going. His leadership and determination showed everyone that they could get through anything. Together, they faced the challenges head-on and came out stronger on the other side. As totality services keeps moving forward, one thing is clear: with Luis Navarro leading the way, they can handle anything that comes their way.

Seizing Opportunities to Expanding Service Offerings

In response to changing work dynamics, totality services launched WFH IT Support, catering to businesses transitioning to remote work setups. This new venture not only addresses the evolving needs of clients but also allows totality services to give back to the community. With a commitment to donating 5% of WFH IT Support's revenue to Crisis, Luis demonstrates his dedication to making a positive impact beyond business success.

Luis acknowledges the challenges facing channel businesses today, particularly in growing networks amidst limited opportunities for in-person networking. Despite the hurdles, he remains optimistic about the future, emphasizing the importance of continuous improvement and adaptation in overcoming obstacles.

Partnering for Success

Luis understands the value of collaboration in driving success for totality services. He sees an opportunity for vendors and distributors to enhance their support for partners like his company. For Luis, the key lies in automation and integration, streamlining processes to better serve clients.

Imagine if vendor systems seamlessly integrated with internal platforms at totality services. It would mean less time spent on manual tasks and more focus on delivering top-notch service to clients. Luis envisions a smoother workflow where his team can devote their energy to addressing client needs and driving innovation.

By emphasizing the importance of automation and integration, Luis is paving the way for a more efficient and effective business model. He believes that by partnering with vendors and distributors in this way, totality services can continue to thrive and provide exceptional IT solutions to SMBs across the UK.

Meeting Client Demands

In today's dynamic IT services landscape, clients have heightened expectations. They seek top-notch service and robust IT security, expectations that Luis Navarro and his team at totality services are primed to fulfill. Rather than viewing these expectations as hurdles, they perceive them as opportunities for growth and advancement.

Luis comprehends that meeting client demands entails more than just troubleshooting; it necessitates perpetual refinement and innovation. Hence, totality services has cultivated a culture of continuous growth and learning. Each challenge serves as a catalyst for enhancing processes and elevating services.

By embracing these demands and committing to continuous improvement, Luis and his team ensure that totality services maintains its position at the industry's forefront. They don't merely meet client expectations; they surpass them, providing exceptional service and instilling confidence in every client they serve.

Luis Navarro, Co-Founder & Director, totality services

From navigating challenges to seizing new opportunities, Luis exemplifies the qualities of a visionary leader dedicated to driving positive change in the IT services industry.