
20 Inspiring Leaders to Watch 2024

Driven by a Burning Desire to Make the World a Safer Place, CEO Tushar Chhabra is Redefining the Border Security

Driven by a Burning Desire to Make the World a Safer Place, CEO Tushar Chhabra is Redefining the Border Security

Tushar's journey into entrepreneurship didn't start with grand plans or lofty ambitions. It began with a simple curiosity—a hunger to understand how things worked and a genuine desire to make a difference in the world.

Tushar Chhabra, a visionary entrepreneur, stands at the forefront of revolutionizing border security. He embarked on his journey with a fervent desire to make a difference in the border security landscape. From his early days at Chanakya Strategic Solutions Pvt. Ltd., Tushar cultivated a unique blend of politics, analytics, and technology—a blend that would later shape his groundbreaking work at Cron AI. Today, as the co-founder and Chief Executive Officer of Cron AI, he leads with a relentless passion to create safer environments using cutting-edge technology.

Early Beginnings

Tushar Chhabra's journey into entrepreneurship didn't start with grand plans or lofty ambitions. It began with a simple curiosity—a hunger to understand how things worked and a genuine desire to make a difference in the world. As a Director at Chanakya Strategic Solutions Pvt. Ltd., which he found himself immersed in the world of politics, analytics, and technology, navigating through the complexities of each with a mix of excitement and trepidation.

But amidst the corporate buzz and the fast-paced nature of his work, Tushar discovered something profound, the power of technology to solve real-world problems and create lasting change. It wasn't just about making money or climbing the corporate ladder; it was about using his skills and knowledge to leave a positive impact on society.

With each passing day, Tushar's passion grew stronger. He saw firsthand the challenges faced by communities around the world, and he felt a deep sense of responsibility to do something about it. It was this sense of purpose that drove him to take the leap into entrepreneurship—to create something meaningful, something that could make a difference in people's lives.

And so, armed with nothing but determination and a thirst for knowledge, Tushar embarked on his entrepreneurial journey. It wasn't easy, and there were plenty of obstacles along the way, but he never wavered in his commitment to his vision. He knew that the road ahead would be long and difficult, but he was willing to do whatever it took to bring his ideas to life and create a better world for all.

Bridging the Security Gap

During Tushar's time at the border, he saw the struggles of countries trying to protect their borders with limited resources. It hit him hard to see the challenges faced by people in securing their communities. With a heart full of empathy and a strong sense of responsibility, Tushar knew he had to do something to help. That's when he decided to start CRON Systems.

His goal was simple yet powerful: to use technology to make border surveillance better and keep people safe. Tushar believed that everyone deserved to feel secure in their homes and communities, and he was determined to make that a reality. So, armed with his vision and fueled by his passion, he set out to build something that would make a difference in the world. And thus, Cron AI was born—an evidence to Tushar's unwavering commitment to using technology for the greater good.

Empowering Vulnerable Regions with Technological Advancements

Under Tushar's guidance, Cron AI has been leading the charge in revolutionizing border security since its establishment in 2015. With Tushar's visionary leadership at the helm, the company has been at the forefront of innovation, constantly pushing the boundaries of what's possible in safeguarding communities.

Through groundbreaking research in lasers, data analytics, and automation, Tushar and his team have crafted state-of-the-art solutions uniquely adapted to various landscapes and terrains. Their laser-guided intrusion detection systems stand as a testament to their commitment to excellence in border surveillance, providing invaluable peace of mind to communities at risk.

Cron AI innovations have gone beyond mere technology—they've empowered vulnerable regions with the tools they need to protect themselves. Tushar's dedication to using technology for social good has not only transformed border security but has also brought hope and security to those who need it most.

Leading the Charge for Change

At Cron AI, Tushar isn't just the CEO; he's the driving force behind the company's journey of transformation. With a down-to-earth approach and a passion for progress, he's guiding Cron AI toward a brighter future in border security.

Tushar's focus on bringing fresh ideas to the table and expanding Cron AI into new territories has been key to its success. By staying curious and always looking ahead, he ensures Cron AI stays ahead of the game, making borders safer for everyone. His belief in the power of innovation and his dedication to overcoming obstacles inspires everyone at Cron AI to strive for greatness and make a real difference in border security.

Beyond the boardroom, Tushar's humanity shines through in every aspect of his work. His genuine empathy for the communities affected by border insecurity fuels his determination to find solutions that make a tangible difference. Whether it's through mentorship programs and community outreach initiatives, Tushar is dedicated to uplifting those around him and creating a brighter tomorrow for generations to come.

Leadership and Recognition

Tushar's leadership prowess has earned him widespread acclaim and recognition within the industry. Nominated for esteemed awards such as the Straits Times Singaporean of the Year and honored as a 'Sustainability & CSR Champion,' he is hailed as an emerging global leader. Yet, amidst the accolades, Tushar remains grounded, driven by a deep-rooted commitment to using technology for social good and making a meaningful impact on the world.

In Tushar Chhabra, we find not just a leader, but a compassionate visionary whose tireless efforts are reshaping the landscape of border security. As Tushar continues to inspire change and drive innovation, his legacy as a pioneer in border security will endure, leaving an indelible mark on the world and paving the way for a safer, more secure future.

Tushar Chhabra, Co-Founder & CEO, Cron AI

Tushar Chhabra is a leader who's dedicated his life to using technology to build a brighter future. He is inspiring countless others to do the same—to dream big, work hard, and never lose sight of the difference they can make in the world.