

Subco Upgrades Oman Australia Cable for Improved Australia-Europe Connectivity

We've worked with Ciena for a long time. Together we've made this cable better. Subco, a leadi

SMEBROctober 17, 10:49
Subco Upgrades Oman Australia Cable for Improved Australia-Europe Connectivity

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We've worked with Ciena for a long time. Together we've made this cable better.

Subco, a leading provider of undersea cable solutions, has partnered with Ciena to establish a secure gateway connecting Australia and Europe. This cable is called the Oman Australia Cable because it stretches between Australia and Oman.

Subco upgraded the cable by using new technology from Ciena. This new tech is called GeoMesh Extreme. It makes the cable much faster and allows more data to be sent. The Oman Australia Cable now has a capacity of 48Tb/s. This means it can transfer huge amounts of data very quickly.

Subco's COO Lee Harper said, "We've worked with Ciena for a long time. Together we've made this cable better."

Upgrading undersea cables is hard work. Special ships are needed to reach the cables on the ocean floor. The companies have to carefully install the new equipment without damaging the cable. Ciena and Subco worked together to upgrade nearly 10,000 km of cable.

The cable connects Perth, Australia to Muscat, Oman. A new branch will also let data flow from Australia to Africa and the Middle East.

Subco says the upgrade was important for Australia. It makes Australia an even better digital hub in Asia. People can rely on the cable working well to send data around the world.

The upgrade means Subco can meet growing demand. People are using more data every year. But the cable has the capacity to handle it because of the technology.

The Oman Australia Cable has been working since November 2022. The upgrade makes it even faster and more reliable. Subco wants to make sure people can share data easily between continents. 

Fast internet connections are important today. People use the internet for work, school, and entertainment. Countries depend on undersea cables to share information around the world. Upgrades like this help everyone send more data and have better video calls. Subco and Ciena's hard work pays off.