

What does Retail Price mean and How to Calculate It

Successful pricing strategies require a delicate balance between covering costs, generating profits, and providing perceived value to customers.

Huawei Effect: China’s October Smartphone Sales Soar with Huawei Leading the Way with an Impressive 83% Increase in Sales

"The clear standout in October has been Huawei, with its turnaround on the back of its Mate 60 series devices. Growth has been stellar."

Walmart Invests Billions to Upgrade Stores and Enhance Customer Experience

"These construction investments allow us to create more local jobs and make it easier for our associates to get customers what they want, when they want it."

Ikea Invests in Store Upgrades, Supply Chain, and AI for Better Customer Experience

The Swedish furniture giant is revolutionizing its operations through investments in technology, customer service, and sustainability.