
Healthcare & MedTech

OrganOx: Innovating Organ Transplantation with Revolutionary Preservation Technology

OrganOx's pioneering medical device, the metra™ system, represents a significant advancement in organ preservation and transplantation technology.

SMEBRMarch 4, 19:26

Photo Credits: OrganOx

OrganOx is a pioneering medical technology company renowned for developing groundbreaking devices aimed at improving the preservation and transportation of organs for transplantation. It serves clients in the United Kingdom.

Founded by leading medical professionals and researchers, OrganOx was established in response to the urgent need for advanced solutions to improve the viability and availability of donor organs, with the ultimate goal of enhancing patient outcomes and saving lives.

Innovation in Organ Preservation

OrganOx's flagship product is the metra™ device, an innovative organ preservation system designed to revolutionize the way organs are transported and maintained before transplantation. Traditional methods of organ preservation typically involve cold storage, which can lead to organ damage and reduced viability over time. In contrast, the metra™ system utilizes a groundbreaking technology known as normothermic perfusion.

Normothermic Perfusion Technology

Normothermic perfusion involves circulating a warm, oxygenated solution through the organ, mimicking the conditions of the human body. This process helps to maintain the organ at physiological temperature and provides essential nutrients and oxygen, thereby reducing ischemic injury and preserving organ function during transportation.

Key Features and Benefits

The metra™ device offers several key advantages over conventional cold storage methods. By preserving organs under normothermic conditions, the device significantly extends the preservation time, allowing for longer transportation distances and increased flexibility in organ allocation. Moreover, normothermic perfusion enables continuous monitoring of organ function, providing transplant surgeons with real-time feedback and enhancing the likelihood of successful transplantation.

Clinical Impact 

OrganOx's innovative technology has garnered widespread acclaim within the medical community for its potential to transform the field of organ transplantation. Clinical studies and trials have demonstrated promising results, showing improved outcomes and higher transplant success rates compared to traditional preservation methods. The use of normothermic perfusion has particularly shown promise in preserving marginal and extended criteria donor organs, expanding the pool of available organs for transplantation and reducing waiting times for patients in need.

Future Directions

As OrganOx continues to advance its research and development efforts, the company aims to further optimize its technology and expand its application across different organ types and transplant procedures. Additionally, OrganOx remains committed to collaborating with transplant centers, healthcare providers, and regulatory agencies to ensure the widespread adoption and integration of its innovative solutions into clinical practice.

In summary, OrganOx's pioneering medical device, the metra™ system, represents a significant advancement in organ preservation and transplantation technology. By harnessing the power of normothermic perfusion, OrganOx is poised to revolutionize the field of organ transplantation, offering new hope to patients awaiting life-saving procedures and improving outcomes for transplant recipients worldwide.