
5 Best Travel & Hospitality Companies to Watch 2024

Tripsider: Travel Experiences, Connecting Like-Minded Explorers Seamlessly

Tripsider: Revolutionizing Travel Experiences, Connecting Like-Minded Explorers Seamlessly

The company has established key principles to ensure that travel becomes an unforgettable experience for its clients, aligning with its mission.

Tripsider is a platform that pairs trip groups based on values using an algorithm. Tripsider.com offers a carefree, relaxed approach to small group travel that is more akin to seeing the world with longtime friends. The typical Tripsider user does not have time to schedule their trips or look for travel partners. Thus, by utilizing their platform, tourists may reserve a pre-planned multi-day trip in advance, on dates that work for them, with other travelers who share their interests, and on topics that interest them.

The company uses a spiral dynamic model to match like-minded individuals, giving tourists a better experience and tour operators a greater return rate. When asked about the goal of the company, Co-Founder and CEO Olga Bortnikova said, “Our goal is to make adventure experiences accessible to everyone as well as to support local guides and companies. We support local businesses and promote responsible tourism by developing a travel culture.”

Less restrictive itineraries offered by the company allow for fun-filled, impromptu opportunities to enjoy the best that each destination along the route has to offer.

Tripsider's vision is to establish a platform that empowers local tour operators and guides to embrace adventure and set and surpass lofty objectives. In order to do this, the firm provides adventurous travelers with a cutting-edge tool that allows them to pick their experiences and arrive at their destinations via friendships, community, and a ton of serendipity.

Helping People Embark on a Transformative Adventure

The company's founders, Olga & Ivan, have visited more than 35 countries and are avid travelers. Passionate about exploration, they would create complex itineraries to fully immerse themselves in new places. However, one day, things became worse. All of the traveler's worst nightmares were awaiting them in one place: airline delays, unsatisfactory tour guides, exorbitant fees from local "experts," and a sense that their ideal vacation was in jeopardy.

When the founders were back at the hotel, this horrible incident served as the backdrop for their vow to never go through anything like this again. In order to discover a solution to their problems, they looked for one, but it was non-existent.

Adventure and travel go beyond simply visiting new places. Tripsider believes that meaningful experiences come from deep connections. With much effort and keeping this in mind, Olga and Ivan created a custom, tech-enabled service that connects tourists with local experts, adventures, and experiences all around the world. all the while providing engaging tours designed by independent guides and locals.

It all began with a two-person team. Tripsider now employs over 50 people who share their clients' enthusiasm for travel. They strive to create unforgettable experiences for every traveler.

Ultimately, according to CEO Olga, Tripsider was created to inspire people to visit adventure-filled locations with new friends.

Poignant Principles for a Transformative Travel Experience

Tripsider has established key principles to ensure that travel becomes an unforgettable experience for its clients, aligning with its mission.

They are residents of the world: There is no such thing as being foreign in the mind of Tripsider. Despite the red tape, they assist visitors in arriving at their goal and have a profound sense of community.

Technology makes travel easy: Tripsider's sophisticated algorithms and staff of knowledgeable advisors who can cut through the confusion simplify travelers experiences. Their app connects tourists looking for unique experiences with amiable local specialists all across the world.

Fostering friendships: Who said making friends was hard? Tripsider believes the formula for making the world a friendlier place is to embrace our differences. Tripsider urges travelers to go on one trip with them and see how many deep connections they can make.

Excellency in flexibility: Tripsider has discovered over the last few years that anything may alter without warning. The team at Tripsider works hard to create incredibly flexible travel options for everyone.

Changing the World, One Trip at a Time — How Trispider Works

Travelers may book more than 1200 trips online at Tripsider.com. They may save themselves the trouble of going to offices and tour operators by dealing directly with travel specialists. Travel professionals will take on the role of their tour guides, presenting well-known locations to visitors in a fresh way.

The company has been bringing together a sizable community of individuals who share a passion for travel for more than five years.

Tripsider’s Travel Experts

Experience getting to know new people, traveling extensively, and thoroughly appreciating a place or nation—all while keeping safety as your top priority—with the help of Tripsider's travel experts.

  • Local businesses or tour guides.

  • Possess demonstrated travel and local knowledge.

  • Conduct arranged guided tours.

  • Just bring small groups of individuals (4–20).

  • Plan a variety of activities and excursions, such as yoga retreats, safaris, explorations, walks, boat trips, and photo or culinary tours.

Why Should Travelers Choose Tripsider?

There are several requirements that travelers must fulfil, as well as wildly divergent travel schedules and expectations for wildly disparate travel experiences. On the other hand, when individuals travel in a group, they typically have to give up their own intentions and follow the choices made by the majority. Tripsider enters the picture here. These are the reasons why your next vacation should include Tripsider as a travel companion!

  • Before listing a travel expert's trip on the internet, Tripsider thoroughly inspects them all. The firm selects the best small-group excursions and guarantees travel safety.

  • Travelers can ask any relevant questions about the specifics of their trip to a travel expert.

  • They can choose the best travel options based on style, comfort, and activity thanks to Tripsider's search algorithm.

  • The mission of Tripsider is to make sure that customers stay in direct communication with tour operators and receive the best possible deal without incurring any additional costs.

  • Customers can obtain pertinent feedback from travelers who have experienced the tour they are interested in, with over 2,000 responses made available on the website.

Tripsider Breaks Down Barriers and Helps People Make Deep Friendships

Tripsider's travelers and visitors see the world in a new light and become acquainted with the local way of life through their unique itineraries, which are designed based on extensive field experience and knowledge of the most obscure regions. The organization is very interested in helping its customers arrange their ideal vacations.

Travelers using Trispder may relax knowing that every aspect of their vacation has been painstakingly prepared down to the last detail and that all activities are tailored to the interests and needs of the individual travelers. All of this is done to make sure that visitors are given the opportunity to reset in the company of people who resonate with them and who they can relate to, forming friendships and ties that will endure a lifetime.

Making Travel a More Intimate and Personal Experience

Olga Bortnikova, co-founder, serves as the CEO of Tripsider. A graduate of the Siberian Transport University, Olga co-founded YouTravel.me in 2018, which was later rebranded to Tripsider.com.

“Our goal is to make adventure experiences accessible to everyone as well as to support local guides and companies. We support local businesses and promote responsible tourism by developing a travel culture.”